Reason to take pics
The reason I take pictures because I like past, thing I remembered and people that was in my life are important to me. It's not that I don't have good things going on right now but I prefer past as some people collect antiques and old things.
Kinda da first day back inmy own cubicle.....
We settled in last night of Wednesday Nov.29th 2006 and I only spent 15 minutes from home to my office. Hurray~ So far, only few things are in place and will keep up after work and over the weekends. And also I'll need to do the walk through with Wayne, my soon-to-be-ex landlord, this Sunday. Just wanna make sure I'll get my whole deposit back^^ New place has huge bedroom with more bathrooms. Also the livingroom is bigger as well plus we still have a small yard outside of the kitchen for me to have a little vegetations, hahaha. Now we're waiting for the cable and internet service up and running. A House Warming Party will be thrown for sure^^ Dean @ work...
A Seasonal Greeting
It's getting a bit chillier every morning when I get out of my condo and head to work. After coming to America for 7 years I've been spoiled with good weather, minus the "rainy" season that falls year round. I grew up in Taiwan and the seasons are quite vague. We can only sense falls and summer as encountering typhoon and humid hot day!
I have turned in my customary sandals for socks and shoes, and stopped wearing shorts. We've started to turn the heat on at home last night and today we will have Chinese hot pot for dinner. What do you expect? We're Chinese, hahahaha~
We're getting ready to move to LBC as planned. We really looking forward to have a better life there with easier commute situation. And tomorrow will be my last day of spending 4 hours on the road between home and office, hurraaayyyy~
Hope you all are staying warm (especially in those colder areas)!