So I was back, with my girl in LACMA again, King Tut was sold out over the weekend but I was cool with that. I was back for Tim Hawkinson and Duchamp with other contemporary artist, like Rothko and Matisse......
Tim Hawkinson is a sick person with brilliant and 1000000 times more than crazy person in the world and it's not to hard to see that during his exhibit.....thx to another tim that gave me a little lecture the first I was ther, so I didn't get lost there by walking through all the works but miss all the detailed info^^ His installation art will end this Saturday so hurry the heck up~
I took this picture from my sx-70 as my respect to Mr. Marcel Duchamp. I especially miss his photography of hiself and a nude model playing chess, I wanna see it again..........
dontcha just love museums?!?!
oh yeah^^
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