my job is getting busier and busier now adays and just need lots of time to participate ..... and we moved to Ontario.....California last July and I'm getting used to this place bit by bit....
honestly, it smells like dairy farm or you can say it's like zoo.....but it's quite nice around this biz area, even this lil post office acrossing the rail road, and you can see the view along the rail and the airport is right across the 10 freeway....
I have bunch of interesting(I would say nice and pretty but nah, that's not everyone feel though...hahahaha)
happy sunday and I'm working in my freaking office now^^
1 comment:
I lived in Ontario on a few occassions. My g-ma and sis still live there. Can't say that I miss it. At least it doesn't smell as bad as Chino.
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