Sloppy came to Aermca with my father in 1997 December. He's been around since 1990 October when I brought him home.
He was bron with another 10 puppies on Sep.12, 1990. Then he's with me ever since. I took him back with me the second year after I came to America. We never apart more than 10 days.
He's been a great brother to me. Why? I guess he's always around and never complain about me. Why? Cuz I treated him as a human being and never treat him as a baby or a spoiled lil kid ever. We all find something to do when we're in the same room and we walk a little every now and then. Just like 2 friends, more of brothers I would say.
I never feel he would leave me since he's been with me for mroe than 15 years and never thought today would come. But it happened on Monday morning.
Before hand he's got a lil runs cuz we gave him some cooked meat last Saturday. Then we cut down his food and gave him more water for his lil problem. We found him not just limping but dragging his rear legs to finish his duty in Monday morning. I thought it's because his artheritis and spine problems that bothers him since 2003 and it would go away soon enough before we really think it would have gone so serious......
We called in the vet and the condition wasn't good. We're told we should consider some permenant solution to end his pain and endless suffer. to put him to sleep.
We struggled enough for shirtly 24 hours and decided to call in the vet again to perform that darn procedure. my eyes are still swelling like 2 huge apple hanging down from my forehead about everything I can do within my limited power to solve his illness and pain.....
too painful to write and can't type with tears in my eyes.......will be back