Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Everytime when I was with my camera, I would take few shots from the sky, I know you guys think that's meaningless and pointless(yeah, teo! I'm talking about you!) But I think that means something to me, somewhat I feel relaxing and wondering what was it like if I can really fly high and go somewhere......
This one was taken @ Coachella 2005, I like it l alot~
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Monday, May 23, 2005

have nothing to say today, guess I have talked too much over the weekend.....
And why was it so hot over weekend?
Friday, May 20, 2005
Why Taiwan Matters

PLease don't argue with me about this issue and I'd just like to let you guys know why and how ~ peace~
Thursday, May 19, 2005

I was walking down from the parking lot of Unicersal City Walk and saw this decor on the wall. I found it's interesting and took several shots from it. This reminds me of some thoughts about those people who needs special care and tension.....well, who doesn't? At least I admit that sometimes I do..... ╮(╯ε╰)!╭
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
keep on going

no matter what happens on the side of your journey of your life, you still have to keep on going, no matter what, either you're forced to go or you're leading yourself to your ultimate goal, you're going~
Why? not sure..... but I do know that the whole f#$%king world will spin with or without you~
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Monday, May 16, 2005
on the way home

for people who is having homesick, wandering what to do and where to go, to every kid who missed the Xmas dinner with one's family, or people like me~ It's hard for me to express my real feeling of going home, sweet ? expecting? embarassing? fearful?
whatever you have in mind, it's real~
Thursday, May 12, 2005

Taken in Berkeley, CA.
I remembered I got this shot on the way to B's aprtment. It's raining with gusty wind. But this couple seemed to have a nice night out. ^^
I wish someday I would be old enough like this and still holding my girl's hand walking down the street.....no matter what~
to share with you
have a great weekend
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
somewhere with light

After I have said those crap yesterday and now it's me again sitting in my office, typing madly with meaningless words again, trying to seek for some answer over the internet, over MSN, over peopel's blogs, looking out from the window, heat and sun light of this desert climate in SoCal, I'll be completely dried up in seconds if I ever set my foot on the side of the road near my office, who knows, me neither.....
Dad called the night before, asking me about my current office's status and my application.....no commands, don't wanna say anything, cuz I got nothing to say~ it's still SS and DD for the recent 3 years, only complishment I have over these years~ I graduated from CSUN~ yeah ~ bumber^^
B told me everyone like us before us would have this phase, uncertainty, insecured and wondering becuase of everything is in the air, on the thin ice, I'm no better than other people, guess I will walk through this myself again..... haha~ nice ~
Watching friends growing up, starting new business, having new family, having babies, good jobs, new careers, the whole fucking planet is spnning no matter what and I am still here working my ass off with some endless boring ass routine job with a cloudy foggy future right in front of me, sure it feels good.....just a bit of sour, that's all~
yeah, I'm good as usual~ walk away ~ You'll see me alive the next time you see me, it's always like that~ in my life, in the world~
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Journey May 2K5

Still worry about my future status with my company, not that my boss isn't willing to sponsor me but the immigration would be in the way. Qouta is limited and too many ppl like me wanna squuze into this wander wonderland. I've been depressed for a while, long enough to kill most of my good brain cells and bottles of Zenex or whatever for the depression ppl. Anyhow I'm still here...hanging.....with friends, family and my love. What if becomes routine that always says in my mind that would bother me all night then drag me into nowhere during working hours.....fall to sleep around 7~8 p.m.then fully awake after 11 p.m. then staring at my ceiling till I see the dawn with morning breeze. Sounds like I am already getting there, huh? But what's the hold off? Take me to the dark side or whatever you or God wanna take me and I don't care....at least I don't know how to.....
Da picture can be very happy beginning of a trip or an ending of a human life,! What do we know? What do we care? You don't even know when is your Mom or Dad's birthday or Any aniversary, do you? What do you know, what if you would get hit by a car one morning while you're walking on the street hoping this is your another nice day out in the city? Hehehe, what if again.....
Depression? Paranoid? whatever~ hit me and hit me hard..... I will take it as my own experience and keep you guys updated~
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Venice Beach

I love LOMO LC-A, the good old camera~ It's cheap with real film, special unexpected colorful outcome, unique dark edge effect and b-shutter by skills~ hahahaha~ This is the second one I've been used and it works perfectly on any condition with any kinda lighting~
This pic was taken @ Venice Beach, CA. Not Italy~ It's a place that tourists, rollerblading nerd and cyclists would go during weekends. Me? I went there to check out new smoking device and new tats~ of course I took pics there as well~ It was fun day out with my lil cousin~
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
路過 Erinnerung 隨想

405 號公路上的Getty Center, Calilfornia only 的 In-N-out's Double Double和香脆的薯條, Melrose街上的形形色色, downtown L.A. 的 Union Station 和 L.A. County Jail......Lil' Tokyo, China Town, Thai Town, Little Saigon, Broadway Blvd. 上乞食的愛滋遊民, 都是一首歌、一個故事.....人生的插曲。
週末? everyday is weekend, ain't it?
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